Falling-tone ELF magnetic fluctuations detected by Kaguya above the
lunar polar region
中川 朋子, Kaguya MAP/LMAG Team綱川 秀夫
Nakagawa, T. and H. Tsunakawa
第144回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会, 名古屋市, 名古屋大学,2018年11月26日.
Minimum variance analysisによって周波数ごとに求めたkベクトルの方向は磁力
いところで高周波、粒子源の直上で低周波が期待される(ここでVpara は共
Falling tone magnetic fluctuations in a frequency range 1 to12 Hz were
detected by MAP/LMAG onboard Kaguya at an altitude of 100km above the
moon. They were right-hand polarized, and the k vector was parallel to
the background magnetic field. They were detected when the moon was in
the Earth’s magnetosheath and the spacecraft was moving along a path
from the evening side toward the north pole of the moon. An attempt was
made to explain the falling tone spectral feature with a cyclotron
resonance of a whistler wave and ions sputtered from the moon.
Field aligned electron flow generated by vortex at the lunar wake boundary
中川朋子、澤里優海、志賀友輔、綱川秀夫, 斎藤 義文
Nakagawa, T., Y. Sawasato, Y. Shiga, H. Tsunakawa, and Y. Saito
Field aligned electron flow was found by Kaguya MAP-PACE instrument in association with vortex at the lunar wake boundary inferred from the polarization of the magnetic field fluctuation observed by MAP-LMAG with respect to the background magnetic field. The speed of the electron flow was 4000 km/s and the direction was consistent with the equivalent electric charge generated by the magnetic field convected by the vortex motion at the wake boundary.
On the Kelvin-Helmholtz-like waves at the lunar wake boundary in the solar wind
中川 朋子, 綱川 秀夫, 斎藤 義文
Nakagawa, T., H. Tsunakawa, and Y. Saito
第142回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会, 宇治市, 京都大学宇治キャンパス, 2017年10月18日.
このK-H的な波はウェイク境界で最高0.3Hz程度まで観測されるが、これは20-30秒周期の基本波の波形が鋸歯状になったために出た成分であり、乱流が発達した形跡はない。波はウェイク中心にかけて連続的に観測され、月の真裏では周期100秒程度の正弦波となる。赤道通過で偏波が反転し、反対半球のウェイクでまた鋸歯状の波形に戻っていく。ウェイク中心の磁場変動はウェイク境界から伝播してきたか、あるいは誘導されたものと考えられる。最小変化法(minimum variance analysis)によって求められるkベクトルの方向は、背景磁場に平行に近い場合・垂直に近い場合の両方があった。
Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex-like waves were found by MAP/LMAG onboard Kaguya in the lunar wake. They were preferentially found in the lunar wake boundary when the solar wind magnetic field was perpendicular to the bulk flow. The sense of rotation was consistent with the Kelvin-Helmholtz vortex. The thickness of the density gradient layer at the wake boundary was about 300-430 km, which was only several times of ion Larmor radius. The waveform was steepened at the wake boundary, and became sinusoidal in the central wake. No dawn-dusk asymmetry as observed at Mercury was found.
Small scale limb compressions detected by Kaguya
Nakagawa, T., and H. Tsunakawa
SELENE symposium 2017, Waseda University, Tokyo, 2017年9月14日.
A limb shock or a limb compression of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) wave is one of the manifestations of the solar wind interaction with the lunar crustal magnetic field. The solar wind magnetic field is believed to pass through the moon essentially unimpeded, but the presence of the local lunar crustal magnetic field give rise to MHD waves which propagate in the solar wind. Since the solar wind flow is much faster than the MHD waves, the wave front flares away from the moon, and are observed as a limb shock or a limb compression. Kaguya detected limb compressions whose scale size was much smaller than those previously reported. The duration of the magnetic enhancements was specifically 10 seconds, which corresponds to the scale size of 15 km and 0.5 degrees in latitude. The magnitude of the magnetic field enhanced up to 1.5 to 3.6 times as large as that of the preceding quiet periods. No such magnetic enhancement was found in the simultaneous solar wind magnetic field observed by GEOTAIL. Differently from the previously reported events, the small limb compressions were not detected above the major magnetic anomalies.
North-south asymmetry of sense of polarization of magnetic fluctuations at the wake boundary in the By-dominated solar wind magnetic field
中川 朋子, 綱川 秀夫, 斎藤 義文
Nakagawa, T., H. Tsunakawa, and Y. Saito
ウェイク境界では周波数が高め(0.5Hz)でかつ周波数幅が広く,波形も三角であるが,衛星が月の真裏のウェイク中心に進むにつれ,周波数は下がり(0.05Hz),sinusoidalな波形となっていた。この状況は,地球の磁気圏境界を太陽風が吹きすぎる際の表面波の場合と類似している。Chen and Hasegawa (1974, JGR)は境界層に厚みがあると表面波が減衰することを示していたが,月のウェイク境界は密度勾配が急峻で,1.0RLから0.88RLまでの距離0.12RLで100分の1になることから,exp(-z/L)の形に書いた際のLは40km程度であり,そのために表面波の減衰が弱く,境界から遠いウェイク中心でも波が残っていたと考えられる。
North-south asymmetries of sense of polarization of magnetic fluctuations were detected by Kaguya MAP/LMAG at the lunar wake boundary in the By-dominated solar wind magnetic field. The sense of rotation was consistent with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. The frequency was higher at the wake boundary and lower in the central wake. The waveform was steepened at the wake boundary, and was sinusoidal in the central wake. The magnetic field configuration is similar to that of the Earth’s magnetopause, while the thickness of the transition region at the lunar wake is as small as 40km due to the steep density gradient. The thin boundary would account for that the wake did not decay in the central wake far beyond the boundary.
Diffuse magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range 1-12Hz detected by Kaguya above the polar regions of the moon
Sugata, Y., S. Ito, T. Nakagawa, and H. Tsunakawa
Kaguya found a type of magnetic fluctuations in the frequency range between 1 and 16 Hz with gradual appearance and disappearance, at a 100km altitude above the polar regions of the moon in the solar wind. They were found in the 32Hz sampling magnetic field data obtained by MAP/LMAG onboard Kaguya. The data were Fourier Transformed every 32Hz. In the dynamic spectra, the magnetic fluctuations appear diffuse like a haze, due to the broad bandwidth and gradual appearance with no discrete boundary. The bandwidth was 4Hz -- 12Hz. Eight events were found during the period from January 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. They were found mostly on the dayside and predominantly above the polar region, where the orbit of Kaguya crosses the terminator. Six of 8 events were found in the northern hemisphere. Half of the events showed gradual decrease of frequency according as the spacecraft approached the North Pole. The solar wind speed was not high during the evens, but the intensities of the magnetic fluctuations was higher when number flux of the solar wind was higher.
Software for virtual 3-dimensional display of Kaguya in-situ observation of magnetic field and the magnetic anomalies on the moon
高寺 寿門,中川朋子,綱川秀夫
Takatera, H., Nakagawa, T., H. Tsunakawa
高寺 寿門,中川朋子,綱川秀夫
本ソフトウェアで表示するデータは,衛星かぐやに搭載された月磁場観測装置LMAGで観測された磁場3成分の1秒平均値,およびかぐやの月磁場観測に基づいてSVM法によって得られた高度0kmおよび月面上空30kmの月面上磁場である。月面上空0kmは60.6km間隔,月面上空30kmは151.6km間隔で推定したデータを使用する。ソフトウェア開発では3次元コンピュータグラフィックスのためのライブラリOpenGLを使用する。開発環境はMicrosoft Visual studio 2013で,言語はC言語を使用し,動作環境はOS:Winsows 8 64 bit,CPU:Intel Core i5である。
A variety of magnetic fluctuations were found by Kaguya in its orbit around the moon. They manifest the interaction between the solar wind and the lunar surface or the lunar crustal magnetic field. To understand the generation mechanisms of those phenomena, it is crucial to examine the relative potion of the spacecraft with respect to the moon in the solar wind and the magnetic anomaly on the surface, as well as the magnetic connection between the spacecraft and the moon.
In order to make it easier to realize the 3-dimentional configuration, we have developed computer software which enables a virtual 3-dimensional display of magnetic field vectors observed by Kaguya on the position of the spacecraft, together with the lunar magnetic field displayed on the moon. The data used are the 1-s averages of the Kaguya/LMAG magnetometer and SVM data (Tsunakawa et al., 2015, JGR Planet).
Polarization characteristics of Pc1 pearl structure observed at Kawatabi, Osaki, Miyagi prefecture
Shinya Miyake, Seiya Yamakawa, Yuma Doi, Tomoko Nakagawa
Pc1 geomagnetic pulsations are often found in the ELF magnetic field data obtained by two sets of induction magnetometers EL-12 constructed by Tierra Technica Co. Ltd, placed in North-South and East-West directions at Kawatabi, Osaki, Miyagi prefecture Japan. The magnetic latitude of the observation site is N30 and the L value is about 1.3.
Although the data coverage was not very good, we have found 7 examples of pearl structures, within the frequency range of 1 to 5 Hz. They showed temporal variation of bandwidth such as 0.3 to 1.2Hz, or 0.9 to 1.8 Hz, forming pearl structures in dynamic spectra. The frequency itself also varied with time: they rose in 3 cases found in pre-midnight, and fall in 4 cases in the pre-midnight region.
Polarization of the magnetic variation was examined by using Fourier components of N-S and E-W magnetic field components. We have 4 evens for which E-W and N-S observations were available. The polarization was steady and right-handed for one event, but for the rest, it was variable. One event showed left-handed polarization at higher frequency and right-handed in the lower. Other two events showed alternative polarizations pearl to pearl.
Difference between North-South and East-West components of ELF magnetic disturbances associated with lightning detected at Kawatabi, Osaki, Miyagi, Japan
高橋 翔太, 西山 洸太朗, 中川 朋子
Takahashi, S., K. Nishiyama, T. Nakagawa
観測はテラテクニカ社製のインダクション磁力計で行っている。センサーはコアにパーマロイを使用した巻き数3万回のインダクションコイルである。信号は128Hzでサンプリングされる。磁力計の感度の周波数依存性が大きいため,フーリエ変換後に感度補正を行う。こうして得られるスペクトル中,雷によると思われる信号は,0.1-20 Hzの観測周波数全域にわたり強度が上がる。特に強いピーク周波数はこの帯域では見られない。この観測システムでは,生波形はインパルス的な強い信号ののちに減衰振動を伴う形で観測される。夏の午後に多く,短時間のノイズが次々現れる形で観測される。
In the record of 0.1-20 Hz Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic variations observed by using two sets of induction magnetometers for NS and EW components, there found cases where broadband disturbances were present only in one of the two components. Intense disturbance was found in EW component in 6 out of 8 events found at Kawatabi, in the absence of NS disturbances. It would suggest the orientation of the source lightning near the observation site.