Tomoko Nakagawa
日本天文学会、仙台、東北大学、 2003年3月.
太陽表面から放出されるCoronal mass ejections(CMEs)の初速度が、
Pioneer 9, Helios 1, 2, ICE, Pioneer Venus, Nozomi等の探査機によって
惑星間空間中の ICMEの速度が放出時の初速度と比べられたが、
Gopalswamy et al.(2000)は、SOHO/LASCOによるCME観測から、
a = c0 - c1 v(0)
最終速度 c0/c1(400km/s程度)に収束して行くことになる。
最終速度 c0/c1は周辺プラズマの速度を代表すると考えられるが
Interplanetary magnetic fields which correspond to coronal mass ejections
Tomoko Nakagawa, Ayako Matsuoka, NOZOMI MGF Team
加速域での直接観測が無い以上、太陽風の加速プロファイルを知るためには、太陽風プラズマが太陽面を出る時の初速と惑星間空間での速度を知ることが大きな手がかりとなる。近年大きく進歩したX線等のイメージングによって、太陽の東西の縁(リム)から放出されるCoronal Mass Ejection(CME)の初速度がわかるようになってきた。これと惑星軌道上の探査機を組み合わせれば、ある初速度で太陽面を出発したプラズマの速度が、惑星間空間でどのように発展するかという情報が得られるはずである。
惑星間空間におけるCMEの見え方として興味深い現象が1999年4月16-18日に探査機「のぞみ」と「ACE」によって観測された。この時「のぞみ」は地球の下流約0.2AU、太陽中心経度差3度という位置にあり、この直前まで「のぞみ」と地球近傍の「ACE」の観測はよく一致していたにも関わらず、4月16-18日にはそれぞれの探査機で南北成分が逆の磁場を観測した。磁場の様子には共通点もあり、磁場強度がそれまでのスパイラル磁場の3-4倍と強まっていること、南北成分が強いこと、ある方向の磁場がしばらく続いたのち不連続的に方向が急変すること、境界には平面状磁場構造があること、などの特徴がどちらの探査機でも見られた。平面状磁場構造の面の向きもほぼ共通であった。どちらの観測結果ともマグネティッククラウドではなかった(丸橋,2002,private communication)。SOHO/LASCOの観測では4月13日にhalo CMEが報告されており、これが「のぞみ」「ACE」で観測されたと考えられる。この現象の発生経度が太陽の東西のリム上にあった4月5日,4月19日にはCMEが繰り返し放出されている様子が報告されている。以上により、このCMEでは方向の異なるフィラメント状の磁力線がいくつも放出されていたと考えられ、同様の特徴を持つ太陽風磁場は惑星間空間におけるCMEの候補として使える可能性がある。
Interplanetary counterparts of a halo CME which occurred on April 13, 1999, were observed by NOZOMI and ACE on April 16-18, when the two spacecraft were within 3 degrees in heliocentric longitude and 0.2 AU in heliocentric distance. The interplanetary magnetic fields had filamentary structures with large Bz components, and the Bz component was positive at NOZOMI while negative at ACE. Both magnetic fields were different from a magnetic cloud. It implies that the CME had a number of filamentary structures of magetic field lines with various directions. An interplanetary magnetic field of this kind can be used for detection of candidates of interplanetary counterparts of CMEs.
Initial speed of CME and their propagation speed in
interplanetary space
Tomoko Nakagawa
IUGG, Sapporo, July, 2003.
The speeds of propagation of CMEs in interplanetary space
are less distributed than their initial speeds.
In this paper,
linear relationship between initial speeds of limb CMEs and
their initial acceleration presented by Gopalswamy et al.
(2000) was extended to estimate the evolution of the speed of their
propagation in interplanetary space.
The propagation speed is to be compared with observations made
in low latitude interplanetary space.
The linear relationship suggests that a dragging force of ambient plasma
is acting on CMEs from the beginning of ejection of the CMEs
into interplanetary space; it decelerates fast CMEs and
accelerates slow CMEs before the CMEs reach
a significant distance from the Sun where a stream from
high-latitude coronal hole can access.
It would suggests that a low-latitude plasma is accelerated
within a short distance to have a speed of solar wind,
and that a coronal hole is not the only source of the solar wind.
Gopalswamy et al., GRL, 27, p145, 2000.
Estimation of background solar wind speed within 20 solar radii
by using intial speeds and accelerations of limb CMEs
Tomoko Nakagawa
第114回地球電磁気・地球惑星圏学会、富山、富山大学、 2003年11月1日.
この範囲の太陽風速の直接観測は無く、X線や紫外線等によるCoronal mass ejections
Gopalswamy et al.(2000,2001)は、CMEが太陽の縁から放出される際の速度の変化を
SOHO/LASCOの観測を用いて追跡し、初速度v(0)と初期の加速度a(0) との間に
線形の関係 a(0) = c0 - c1 v(0) があることを統計的に示した。
この関係は、CMEが、速度差( v(0) - c0/c1 ) に比例した抵抗を受けることを示すため、
この c0/c1 という値を「背景の」太陽風速と考えることができる。
昨年の講演では、1999年11月についてSOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue から
初速度v(0)と初期の加速度a(0) との間の線形の関係を
それ以降の 惑星間空間についても拡張することによって、
CMEの初速度v(0)と初期の加速度a(0) の回帰直線を求め、
元になるデータはSOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue
低緯度(position angle 70-110度, 250-290度) のCMEである。
Gopalswamy et al., GRL, 27, p145, 2000.
Gopalswamy et al.,JGR, 106, p29209, 2001.
Initial speed of the solar wind estimated from limb CMEs
Tomoko Nakagawa
太陽風プラズマの加速にとって、太陽から20太陽半径以内の太陽近傍は特に重要な領域と考えられるが、この範囲の太陽風速の直接観測は無く、太陽風の初速を知ることは難しい。数少ない情報のひとつが太陽表面から放出されるCoronal mass ejections(CMEs)の速度である。
放出時のCME速度はX線や紫外線などで観測され、同じCMEを惑星間空間で検出することで、その後の速度発展が調べられてきた。これまでに Pioneer 9, Helios 1, 2, ICE, Pioneer Venus, Nozomi等の探査機によって得られた観測では、初速度の遅いCMEはその後加速され、初速度の速いCMEはその後減速されるという傾向が示されていたが、Gopalswamy et al.(2000,2001)は、CMEが太陽の縁から放出される際の速度v0と、そのCMEが1AUに達するまでの平均の加速度aとの間に線形の関係 a = c0 - c1 v0 があることを統計的に示した。この関係は、CMEが速度差( v0 - c0/c1 ) に比例した抵抗を受けることを示すため、c0/c1 という値を実効的な「背景の」太陽風速と考えることができる。
もし、太陽から放出された直後のCMEについても速度v0と初期加速度a0の間に同様の線形の関係a0 = c0 - c1 v0 があるならば、その係数の比c0/c1 から、通常は観測が困難な太陽近傍の「背景の」太陽風速度を得ることができるのではないかと考えられる。
本研究では、SOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/)中のリムCMEを用い、1999年2月から12月までの解析期間中、27日の区間をスライドさせながら、緯度別にCMEの初速度v0に対する初期の加速度a0 の回帰直線を求め、「背景の」太陽風速の推移を見た。位置の計測が5点未満、あるいは狭い範囲での計測しか無いCMEは加速度の精度が良くないので相関解析から除外した。
その結果、初速と加速度に線形の関係があり、相関係数が-0.6から-1.0の範囲になった場合に限定すれば、低緯度(position angle 70-110度, 250-290度) の場合でおよそ150-570km/sの範囲の「背景の」太陽風速が得られた。この値は地球軌道付近の太陽風速度に近いので、もしこれが太陽近くの太陽風速を正しく反映しているとするならば、20太陽半径以内という短い距離で太陽風が加速されていることになる。しかしその一方で、個々の期間の推定値は、その時々の惑星間空間で実測された値とは必ずしも一致していなかった。東のリム上で推定された背景風速は、太陽の自転分13.5日ずらすと西のリム上で得られた背景風速とおおむね一致した。高緯度ならば高速という傾向は見られなかった。初速度と加速度が線形の関係に乗らないCMEの多くは「高速なのに減速されない」タイプのものであるが、それらを軟X線画像で見ると大規模なループ状の構造が強いコントラストで見えた。
The region within 20 solar radii from the Sun is important for the acceleration of solar wind plasma, but it is difficult to obtain solar wind speed in that region. Injection speeds of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are one of the limited information on the solar wind speed in the vicinity of the Sun.
The speeds of propagation of CMEs in interplanetary space are less distributed than their initial speeds. Gopalswamy et al.(2000, 2001) presented a linear relationship between initial speeds of limb CMEs and their average acceleration during their travel time in interplanetary space. The linear relationship suggests that some dragging force is acting on CMEs, depending on difference in speed between the CME and their ambient plasmas. The ambient speed obtained from the coefficients of the linear relationship was 406 km/s, which is nearly the same as the real solar wind speed.
If similar relationship holds within 20 solar radii from the Sun, it would give information on the initial speed of 'ambient' solar wind in the vicinity of the Sun. SOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue (http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/) was used to investigate the relationship between the initial acceleration and the initial speeds of limb CMEs. The 'ambient' solar wind speed within 20 solar radii was estimated to be 150 - 570 km/s for 27-day periods in 1999 for which coefficients of correlation between the initial acceleration and the initial speeds of low-latitude CMEs were fairly good (from -0.6 to -1). The estimated speeds were close to that of real solar wind detected in interplanetary space. It suggests that low-latitude solar-wind plasma was accelerated within a short distance, and that coronal holes are not the only source of the solar wind. On the other hand, not all the estimated speed for each 27-day period agreed with the simultaneous in-situ measurements in interplanetary space.
Acknowledgments:This CME catalog is generated and maintained by NASA and The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.
Gopalswamy et al., GRL, 27, p145, 2000.
Gopalswamy et al., JGR, 106, p29207, 2001.
Solar wind speed within 20Rs of the Sun estimated from limb CMEs
T. Nakagawa, N. Gopalswamy, S.Yashiro, A.Matsuoka
AOGS 1st Annual Meeting 2004, 2004年7月6日.
Interplanetary space within 20 solar radii from the Sun is important for the acceleration of solar wind plasma, but it is difficult to access the region by in-situ measurements. The purpose of this paper is to estimate ambient solar wind speed in the vicinity of the Sun by using injection speeds and acceleration of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that appeared on the limb of the Sun. Gopalswamy et al.(2000, 2001) presented a linear relationship between initial speeds of limb CMEs and their average acceleration during their travel time in interplanetary space. The linear relationship suggests that some dragging force is acting on CMEs, depending on difference in speed between the CME and their ambient plasmas. The ambient speed obtained from the coeficcients of the linear relationship was 406 km/s, which is nearly the same as the real solar wind speed. If similar relationship holds within 20 solar radii from the Sun, it would give information on the initial speed of 'ambient' solar wind in the vicinity of the Sun. SOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue (http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/) was used to investigate the relationship between the initial acceleration and the initial speeds of limb CMEs. The 'ambient' solar wind speed within 20 solar radii was estimated to be 150 - 570 km/s for 27-day periods in 1999 for which coefficients of correlation between the initial acceleration and the initial speeds of low-latitude CMEs were fairly good (from -0.6 to -1). The estimated speeds were close to that of real solar wind detected in interplanetary space. It suggests that low-latitude solar-wind plasma was accelerated within a short distance, and that coronal holes are not the only source of the solar wind. On the other hand, not all the estimated speed for each 27-day period agreed with the simultaneous in- situ measurements in interplanetary space. Acknowledgments:This CME catalog is generated and maintained by NASA and The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA and NASA. Reference: Gopalswamy et al., GRL, 27, p145, 2000. Gopalswamy et al., JGR, 106, p29207, 2001.
Electric potential at the boundary of the lunar wake
investigated from upstream waves of whistler mode
T. Nakagawa, Yoshinori Takahashi, Masahide Iizima
AOGS 1st Annual Meeting 2004, 2004年7月9日.
The lunar wake is a plasma cavity in the solar wind left on the anti-solar side of the moon as the solar wind particles are absorbed by the body of the moon. At the boundary of the wake, electrons with greater thermal speed rush into the wake region faster than ions, creating an electric field and thus a potential drop which retards electrons. The potential structure of the boundary of the wake was investigated by using left-handed, circular polarized ULF waves with frequency of 0.3 - 1.1 Hz detected by GEOTAIL at 27 lunar radii upstream of the moon when the pacecraft was magnetically connected with the lunar wake. The wave was detected twice at 16:45 - 17:00 and 18:55 - 19:02 on October 25, 1994, when the spacecraft and the moon were on the dawn side of the Earth's magnetosphere. The ULF wave was propagating in a direction nearly parallel to the background magnetic field. The observed frequency and polarization are explained by reversal of polarization of right-handed, sunward-propagating electron whistler waves with frequencies above 1.4 Hz in the solar wind frame of reference, which were excited through the interaction with electron beams flowing in anti-sunward direction downstream of the lunar wake. The downstream flow of electron beam is explained by filtering effect of the potential drop at the boundary of the lunar wake. Low-energy components of electrons are reflected back by the potential drop, and the rest components, with energies higher than that of the electric potential penetrate through the wake. The velocity distribution of downstream electrons would be modified to have some bump or shoulder in energy range to form a beam, which is likely to excite whistler mode wave through cyclotron resonance. The lowest energy of the resonant electrons was calculated to be 0.96 -- 2.5 [keV] from the lower boundary of the detected frequency. The variation in the lowest frequency suggests that there are some regions of the lunar wake where potential drop is reduced.
Estimation of solar wind speed within 20Rs of the Sun
by using limb CMEs
- Tomoko Nakagawa, Nat Gopalswamy, Seiji Yashiro,
Ayako Matsuoka, and NOZOMI/MGF Team
COSPAR, Scientific assembly 2004,
The speeds of propagation of CMEs in interplanetary space are less
distributed than their initial speeds measured on their departure from
the limb of the Sun. Gopalswamy et al.(2000, 2001) presented a linear
relationship between initial speeds of limb CMEs and their average
acceleration during their travel time in interplanetary space.
The linear relationship suggests that some dragging force is acting on
CMEs, depending on difference in speed between the CME and their
ambient plasmas. The ambient speed obtained from the coeficcients of
the linear relationship was 406 km/s, which is nearly the same as
the real solar wind speed.
If similar relationship holds within 20 solar radii from the Sun,
it would give information on the initial speed of 'ambient' solar wind
in the vicinity of the Sun. The relationship between the initial
acceleration and the initial speeds of limb CMEs was examined by using
SOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue (http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/CME_list/).
Coefficients of correlation between the initial acceleration and the
initial speeds of low-latitude CMEs were calculated by sliding 27-day
windows in 1999. Although there were many cases where linear
relationship was not clear, we found significant number of periods
for which correlation coefficient was fairly good (from -0.6 to -1).
For such cases, the 'ambient' solar wind speed within 20 solar radii
was estimated to be 150 - 570 km/s. It is somewhat slower than but
close to the speeds of real solar wind measured in interplanetary space.
It suggests that low-latitude solar wind plasma was accelerated within
a short distance. It may also indicate that coronal holes are not the
only source of the solar wind. The 'ambient' speeds thus obtained
did not always agreed with simultaneous, in-situ measurements by NOZOMI
and ACE. Estimation of 'ambient' speed was also carried out by using
CMEs that appeared in higher latitude, but no latitudinal dependence
was found.
Acknowledgments:This CME catalog is generated and maintained by NASA and
The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research
Laboratory. SOHO is a project of international cooperation between ESA
and NASA.
Gopalswamy et al., GRL, 27, p145, 2000.
Gopalswamy et al., JGR, 106, p29207, 2001.
Magnetic structure of interplanetary counterpart of a halo CME:
simultaneous observation by NOZOMI and ACE
T. Nakagawa, A. Matsuoka, and NOZOMI/MGF Team
COSPAR, Scientific assembly 2004, 2004年7月19-21日.
An interplanetary counterpart of a halo CME which occured on
April 13, 1999, was observed by NOZOMI and ACE on April 16-18,
when the two spacecraft were within 3 degrees in heliocentric
longitude and 0.2 AU in heliocentric distance.
On arrival of the halo CME, both spcacecraft detected intense
magnetic field whose Bz component was positive at NOZOMI while
negative at ACE, although the two spacecraft had been observing
almost the same magnetic fields until the arrival of the halo CME.
The observed field direction cannot be explained by
a magnetic structure of a single cylinder or a torus.
Some filanentary structure or rotation of the whole structure
would be required to account for the observation.
In front of the CME, the magnetic field was highly variable, and
characteristic signature
of a planar magnetic structure was observed by both spacecraft.
The planes of the planar structure, to which all the field lines
were parallel, were only slightly (13 degrees) inclined with each other.
Supposing that the planes are different parts of a curved sheath
in front of the CME, the radius and position of the center
are calculated from the angle between the planes and the distance
between the two spacecraft.
中川朋子, Seiji Yashiro, Nat Gopalswamy
T. Nakagawa, S. Yashiro, N. Gopalswamy
日本天文学会、盛岡、岩手大学、 2004年9月.
太陽表面から放出されるCoronal mass ejections(CMEs)の速度である。
Gopalswamy et al. (2000,2001)は、
そのCMEが1AUに達するまでの平均の加速度 aとの間に
a= c0 - c1 v0 の関係があることを統計的に示した。この関係は、
CMEが速度差( v0 - c0/c1 )に比例した抵抗を受けることを示すため、
c0/c1 という値を実効的な「背景の」太陽風速と考えることができる。
速度v0と初期加速度 a0 の間に
同様の線形の関係 a0 = c0 - c1 v0 があるなら、
その係数の比 c0/c1 から、
SOHO/LASCO CME Catalogue 中のリムCMEを用い、
CMEの初速度v0 に対する初期の加速度 a0 の回帰直線を求め
また、リムCMEの加速度を用いて得られた係数 c1 は、
Velocity distribution of electrons that penetrate through the lunar wake boundary
中川朋子, 飯島雅英
Tomoko Nakagawa, Masahide Iizima
「のぞみ」の観測でも確認されている(Futaana et al., 2001)。反射せずに
このULF波は月半径の約29倍月の上流で0.3 - 1.1 Hzの左回りの波として検出された。
(Nakagawa et al., 2003)。
Futaana et al., JGR 106, 18729, 2001.
Nakagawa et al., EPS 55, 569, 2003.
Velocity distribution of electrons that penetrate through the lunar wake boundary
was investigated by calculating velocities and orbits of the electrons injected
into a double layered structure of positive and negative electric field with
magnetic field lines which intersect the layers at an angle of 20 degrees.
Electrons whose initial velocities were large enough, and in particular, parallel to the background magnetic field, can penetrate through the layers.
During their passage through the electric field, they are
accelerated to have perpendicular component, and
in the downstream of the model wake, they have significant
perpendicular component of velocity. The perpendicular component can account for
the cyclotron resonance with sunward-propagating whistler mode waves that were
detected by GEOTAIL at 27 lunar radii upstream of the moon on October 25, 1994.
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